The Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is one of the most interesting tortoises in the world, because of the shape of its carapace. It lives in the South Asia, in the sand dunes and in the forest of Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan.

This tortoise has a length of about 28 centimeters, and it weights about 7 kilograms. The carapace is bold, and it has several shields with drawings in the shape of stars, with black and brown rays. The head and members are brown with yellow spots, and they are thicker at the extremities. The tale is also thick, but it is hidden under the shell.

The tortoise has a terrestrial and nocturne lifestyle. During the rainy period, it is always looking for food, and during the dry season, it is active during the morning and in the evening. When the heat is extreme, the tortoise stays under bushes. Being an herbivore species, the food usually is represented of weeds, plants, flowers and fruits.

The species stays in the Monsoon area, as it needs much water. The female lays 5-9 eggs in holes. The incubation period lasts from 50 to 140 days. The life duration is 80 years on average. It can be raised in captivity as a pet, but only in areas with humidity of ore than 90 % and in a temperature of 24-30 degrees. The Indian Star Turtle is a part f the Testudines family. It is a vulnerable species, as the number of exemplars was dramatically reduced because of the illegal commerce made in India with this tortoise. The problem is that this type of commerce can be hardly controlled, and that the governments from those areas don’t allot funds for preserving it. Only the non-governmental organizations are still preoccupied about this species, but it seems like its only hope is to be sent to some other places where they will be taken care of.

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